Monday, July 28, 2014

forever learning/ alone time

welp, here's a new thing i've learned since graduating college...

learning without teachers to force you to do so is FUCKING HARD when you have a rather lazy and slightly ambitiousless personality. well, at least i think i'm lazy and that i somewhat lack ambition, but others may disagree. i dunno. either way, its difficult. 
i was never much for studying when i was in school. i enjoyed what i learned, for the most part, but the act of learning was what i struggled with pursuing. i hated studying and reading. maybe i never truly figured out the right way to study, but because of my struggles, i slowly came to hate doing it. i still learned things (i didn't just give up) but i think the only reason why i learned anything was because i had teachers feeding me information every day and if  didn't remember that information, i'd fail college.
i didn't want to fail college.
so i passed college.

and college is over. i'm done with college. 2 years now. i haven't been studying or reading much at all for 2 years!!!!!!!!!! it's a problem. i legitimately think im getting dumber.
i've been painting a lot more in the last year and i think i'm becoming a better artists who has a better grasp on what she is doing, BUT that's the only part of my educated life that i think is progressing. 
so there's that.
so yeah, i feel dumber. 
i don't really know what's going on in the world, i dont really keep myself in tune with news or culture and i don't brush up on past things i've learned so i can keep myself pretty well educated as i get older and more and more independent. independence is hard. 

as independence is a difficult task to accomplish if you ALSO want to grow and learn without a teacher present, here's what i'm going to do:
-read. i have 2 books i'm in the middle of working on. one is like a self help book from the 70s and one is an autobigraphy. AND i'm continually going back into the bible to try to refresh my brain understand my faith. so, that's fun. 
-watch. i'm planning on diving into documentaries on netflix again and i'm so stoked. i learn better when i listen and watch, so i'm going to listen and watch :)
-visit. im going to visit different news and other websites just to gain a bit of world knowledge, and then im going to save the pages so that can be a regular thing.
-enjoy! if it's not fun, change your subject of study because it's not like you're being graded on it.

what do you think i'm doing tonight? :P

but i did consider it. 
i'm using the fact that i have the house to myself to my advantage! it's pretty exciting. i don't feel lame at all. i' just excited for my late night of learning and stuff!! :D

that's all. i'm just excited to have a little motivation spark. im upbeat and ready to work! yeah yeah yeah!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Halloween, because sewing takes time... and listy listy listy list.

1. Halloween: a time for people to dress rather out of character and gallivant for an evening to three evenings and act accordingly, because alcohol...

^the above "definition" that i have created is what seems to be the chosen definition for the teen/young adult media-focused-upon age group. (<---i don't know how to word that, but you get it, right?)

well, its WRONG. at least, in my opinion, tho others may disagree.

2. Halloween: is a time to...
A. gallivant(sober or not)
B. dress in costume that does one of four things:
     1. is so out of character, it is like the opposite of your own personality.
     2. so perfectly describes your personality, it's uncanny.
     3. is a more exaggerated version of yourself.
     4. something you secretly wish you were, but you only feel comfortable displaying it now.
C. enjoy time with friends
D. make memories
E. all of the above.

I choose E. all of the above.
tho some may choose the silent F. none of the above. And, that's cool. enjoy.

I'm just stating my opinion of what Halloween is to me, and what i think it should be. This is of course, only on a surfacy level because I don't go much deeper on the subject.

So, yeah, that's my opinion, and now, allow me to narrow the focus in a bit to letter B. of "definition" 2. Costumes!!! Yes, that's right, I said costumes, and it's only July.

We all know Deadpool  you know the funny guy who has all sorts of mischief adventures who is also a part time hero?         ...Well if you do go vote for him in the annual supper hero election!

So, as i was saying, costumes.
I'm already thinking about costumes for October of 2014 and it's only July.
Reason being = boyfriend. lol
That's not the only reason but it is definitely one of them. 
I actually always start thinking this far ahead for my costume. Usually it is because it takes a lot of planning, sewing, and possibly hair growing to achieve the end result on/around the 31st of October. Only sometimes is it because i can't make up my mind and need 3 months to decide. So on top of the normal time and energy needed to put towards the costume, this year I have a second party to think about. Mind you, this is not because I think i am supposed to do a couples costume when I am a part of a couple. It is because I like the idea and he said yes :) I believed he used the word "honored" so that was nice <3

Ok then, so far, things that must be considered when prepping for a Halloween costume that I truly enjoy and truly care about, are...

1. time needed for sewing
2. time needed for hair growth (if necessary)
3. time needed to save money for possible purchases related to undecided costume
4. SECOND HUMAN(and their needs and wants)

That's only a small portion.
The rest comes with the costume ideas list. this list is very important if you truly are in the spirit of Halloween according to Katie. Usually this list would reflect only my thoughts and wants, but now it must reflect that of two people, AND especially, in the end, both of them together.  This is harder than it seems.

This list of costume couplings must have the following attributes(on my end, as I can't read his mind):
1. must be something i've never been before.
2. must be something I am rather aware of and even greatly enjoy.
3. must be something that is a good stretch away from how I act or look or it doesn't feel costume-y.
4. preferably creative and rather original or so well known, it can be recognized by many
5. preferably extra cute, extra badass, extra scary, or somehow, all of the above :)
6. preferably something that can be worn to a comic-con in the future ;) recyclable

now all that has been addressed, allow me to point out how completely unnecessary all of these thoughts are in July and at 2:40 in the morning.

I laugh myself to sleep,  It's my..... lullaby.Is it enough to live?  Is it enough to breathe? Somebody rip my heart out and leave me here to bleed. Is it enough to die. Somebody save my life. I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.

But i digress. 

with that, I...we... probably I, as he probably agrees that this is unnecessary but is letting me be my tightly wound self and plan and write all this is out as i impatiently wait for October( I also like the cider and sweaters and shit), here is a tentative list of ideas. Possibly more to come, while more shall be removed, because at some point, we can only have one. comma comma comma. seems I like commas.


ps: these are definitely more of a me list because much excite.

1. harley quinn and deadpool

Harley and deadpool would make a good couple. And I already know harley wouldn't care about the face thing because joker had his face ripped off.

because trolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. ryuk and rem from deathnote

Ryuk and rem

because GODS OF DEATH.

3.  sylveon and umbreon
Request: Sylveon and Umbreon by on @deviantART

because pokemon.

4. antman and wasp

5. sailor moon and tuxedo mask

6. megan man and roll

7. judy jetson and apollo blue

and there are more.

lol we like options, BUT there is still a lot to consider as it has to be approved by both parties. as i said, tougher than i thought. of course, it's only july. :)


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lappy love & Resolutions revisited: a nice little update

Lappy Love

alright, laptop acquired. i finally have a computer, thanks to my wonderful boyfriend. he gave me his old one and now i can be a normal 20something who follows youtube channels, online news articles, and takes a copious amount of quizzes!! woot!!

i can now...
1. create word documents
2. watch movies in my room
3. keep up with youtube channels like eat your kimchi
4. actually pay attention to the news and current events
5. pin even more frequently than i already do
6. set up my website and update other pages from home
7. not need to go to the library as much
8. BLOG...yeah. happening.
9. probably more, but nothing important enough for me to remember on my own.
10. and find memes like the one below :D

so, thank you to my awesome gentleman of a boyfriend!!

P.S. my laptop's name is sparkles magillicuddy the third. it's desktop background is ...

so, now that that little bit of word-vomit joy has been spewed, here's something else :D

Resolutions Revisited

it has been a bit more than half a year since i decided to have my first official new years resolutions!! it's been a really awesome journey so far and i guess i just wanted to update you all on my progress or lack of progress depending on the subject.

to recap my list, here's my list:

1. HEALTH: i plan to get back into my work out routine, add running/walking, take additional vitamins(fish oil) and Metamucil, have strict sleeping habits, cut down and eventually cut out energy drinks and pop, have a more strict and healthy diet with digestive and metabolism assisting foods, do yoga.

HEALTH in actuality: my work out schedule is a bit on the irregular side, but i have lost a few pounds, been taking better vitamins, and my dietary plan is a lot healthier than it used to be while also being a lot better for my digestive problems. i do feel like i've been getting more regular hours of sleep nightly, but i'm still not the best at mornings. i need to work on that whole "morning" thing as coffee is starting to become less effective. i almost never drink energy drinks anymore and only on rare occasions do i have a soda(yes, i said soda.) i have yet to run, i walk a bit more, i dont do yoga yet, and i slightly hoola hoop but have't really done that in a month. TONIGHT i shall work out a bit, and tomorrow i shall do a lot of walking and maybe start back into hooping. we shall see :)
I don't always exercise, but when I do...

2. READING: read at least 12 books in the year period, while adding books of the bible from time to time.

READING: i have been reading the bible off and on, basically been listening to an audio book of Mere Christianity (narrated by my boyfriend), and been slowly reading a memoir by Sting called Broken Music. this is all of the extra-curricular reading i have been doing since january. womp womp.

You had one job to do, you had only one job, you had one job meme, fail, fail pictures, fail quotes ...For more hilarious memes and funny humor visit

3. ART: make at least one painting per month and one drawing per week, add paintings to my etsy, update tumblr, pinterest, and facebook, apply to at least 2 shows in the year, look into what needs to be done to be a freelance artist.

ART: i've painted a lot and drawn a lot!! been updating my etsy, pinterest and facebook. need to update my tumblr and create my website soon. I've sold 2 pieces from my newest series and have more possible buyers. I have multiple places in the area wanting to have my work displayed in their shops! so far, the art front is going magnificently!!!! I do need to look into shows, but nothing i have found so far is all that appealing or soon. I also have a book about being a freelance artist that i need to read! definitely more to do, but i'm feeling good about it!

Art love

4. HAIR: do not drastically change hair for at least a year, let it be gradual and dont let my emotions take over.

HAIR: i wrote that when i had dark is now white blonde again but that one drastic change happened, and since then i have been doing things gradually with my hair. hoping to even try growing it out :D

5. FASHION: wear a different outfit every day for the entire year or more.

FASHION: still in progress and i know i haven't taken a picture every single day like i planned to, but i'm trying. 

so that's life for now. thats how im doing. i'd definitely give myself a C+/B- on the resolution accomplishments, but hey, i still have a few months til a new new year comes around and by then there will be even more things to accomplish in life. 
i couldn't be more excited!!
