learning without teachers to force you to do so is FUCKING HARD when you have a rather lazy and slightly ambitiousless personality. well, at least i think i'm lazy and that i somewhat lack ambition, but others may disagree. i dunno. either way, its difficult.
i was never much for studying when i was in school. i enjoyed what i learned, for the most part, but the act of learning was what i struggled with pursuing. i hated studying and reading. maybe i never truly figured out the right way to study, but because of my struggles, i slowly came to hate doing it. i still learned things (i didn't just give up) but i think the only reason why i learned anything was because i had teachers feeding me information every day and if didn't remember that information, i'd fail college.
i didn't want to fail college.
so i passed college.
and college is over. i'm done with college. 2 years now. i haven't been studying or reading much at all for 2 years!!!!!!!!!! it's a problem. i legitimately think im getting dumber.
i've been painting a lot more in the last year and i think i'm becoming a better artists who has a better grasp on what she is doing, BUT that's the only part of my educated life that i think is progressing.
so there's that.
so yeah, i feel dumber.
i don't really know what's going on in the world, i dont really keep myself in tune with news or culture and i don't brush up on past things i've learned so i can keep myself pretty well educated as i get older and more and more independent. independence is hard.
as independence is a difficult task to accomplish if you ALSO want to grow and learn without a teacher present, here's what i'm going to do:
-read. i have 2 books i'm in the middle of working on. one is like a self help book from the 70s and one is an autobigraphy. AND i'm continually going back into the bible to try to refresh my brain understand my faith. so, that's fun.
-watch. i'm planning on diving into documentaries on netflix again and i'm so stoked. i learn better when i listen and watch, so i'm going to listen and watch :)
-visit. im going to visit different news and other websites just to gain a bit of world knowledge, and then im going to save the pages so that can be a regular thing.
-enjoy! if it's not fun, change your subject of study because it's not like you're being graded on it.
what do you think i'm doing tonight? :P
but i did consider it.
i'm using the fact that i have the house to myself to my advantage! it's pretty exciting. i don't feel lame at all. i' just excited for my late night of learning and stuff!! :D
that's all. i'm just excited to have a little motivation spark. im upbeat and ready to work! yeah yeah yeah!