Wednesday, March 13, 2013

relinquish your tragedy.

relinquish your tragedy.
let go of your frustrations.
give it all away.
never forget. just remember the good more often.
restart religiously and be better.
just be better.
be what you know you'd rather be and never give a crap about what you were again.
stop caring  about what was and what will be.
there is no "will be" and "what was" doesn't matter anymore.
it is only "what is."

we are destined for nothing but death.
to struggle with life is unnecessary.
stop fearing life and never hide again.
give it all away.
all that matters is what makes you better.
be better.
care, but only because it's right and right for you.
don't "care" because it's what you're used to doing.
it only causes pain.
to cause your own pain is unnecessary.
it's uncanny.
it's unrealistic.
don't be unnecessary tragic when nothing too tragic exists.
nothing too tragic really exists and yet everything seems like a tragedy.
let go.
give it all away.
relinquish your tragedy.

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